Can You Weld Stainless Steel with Flux Core Wire?


Can You Weld Stainless Steel with Flux Core Wire?

The short answer is yes, you can weld stainless steel with flux core wire. In fact, welding stainless steel with flux core wire is a great way to get started with welding because it is relatively easy and requires minimal equipment. 

However, there are a few things you should know before you start welding stainless steel with flux core wire. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Flux Core Wire?

Flux core wire is a type of welding wire that is used in gasless MIG welding. The “gasless” part refers to the fact that this type of welding does not require an external gas tank in order to weld. Instead, the flux core wire contains a core of flux that provides the necessary shielding gas when welding. 

This makes gasless MIG welding a great option for those who are just getting started with welding because it is less expensive and easier to set up than other types of welding.

Why Weld Stainless Steel?

Stainless steel is a popular choice for welders because it is strong and durable. Stainless steel is particularly resistant to corrosion, which makes it a good choice for outdoor projects or projects that will be exposed to moisture or other corrosive elements.

The main reason why some welders choose not to weld stainless steel is because it can be difficult to weld. Stainless steel has a high carbon content, which makes it difficult to weld without causing the formation of pores or other defects in the weld. 

However, with practice and the right technique, it is possible to produce clean, strong welds in stainless steel.

How to Weld Stainless Steel with Flux Core Wire

Now that we’ve answered the question “can you weld stainless steel with flux core wire?” let’s talk about how to actually do it. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 

  1.  Use smaller diameter wires: Smaller diameter wires are easier to control and produce cleaner welds in stainless steel. Try using 0.035” or 0.045” diameter wires for best results. 

  2.  Use shorter arc lengths: Longer arc lengths tend to cause more problems when welding stainless steel because they can cause the formation of pores in the weld metal. Shorter arc lengths will help you avoid this problem. 

  3.  Increase your travel speed: Keeping your travel speed consistent is crucial when welding stainless steel because it helps prevent puddling and promotes fusion between the base metal and the filler metal. 

  4.  Use transformer technology: If you have access to transformer technology, use it! Transformer technology produces smaller, more consistent sparks that are less likely to cause problems when welding stainless steel. 

  5.  Use pure argon gas: Using pure argon gas will help protect your weld from oxygen contamination, which can lead to rusting and corrosion. 

  6.  Keep your bead size small: Smaller beads are easier to control and less likely to cause problems when welding stainless steel. 

  7. Practice, practice, practice: As with anything else, practice makes perfect when it comes to welding stainless steel with flux core wire. The more you practice, the better your results will be.


Welding stainless steel with flux core wire is possible, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. By following the tips outlined above, you can set yourself up for success when welding this difficult metal. And as always, practice makes perfect! So don’t be afraid to get out there and start practicing today!


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